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El Conquistqdor Francisco de Orellana
The Conquistador who put the Amazaon baisn "on the map"....Francisco Orellana
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Chocolate Has New Latin King as Ecuador Overtakes Brazil
By Nathan GillJan 21, 2014 8:50 AM GMT-0500
Photographer: Claire Leow/Bloomberg
In Ecuador, where chocolate makers like Nestle SA, the world’s biggest food company,... Read More
Ecuador, where the fatty beans used
to make chocolate have been grown since pre-Columbian times, is
surpassing Brazil as Latin America’s top cocoa producer after
boosting planting and offering education programs for farmers.
Cocoa-bean output rose 13 percent last year to 220,000
metric tons and the South American country is poised to become
the world’s fourth-biggest producer by 2015, said Ivan Ontaneda,
president of Ecuador’s National Cocoa Exporters Association,
known as Anecacao.
Ecuador, an OPEC nation better known for heavy crude oil
and bananas, is taking advantage of rising global demand for
chocolate to boost output and diversify exports as economic
growth slows and its trade deficit widened to the worst level in
three years. Output will continue to climb as trees planted in
2009 and 2010 begin to bear fruit and farmers helped by
government programs improve harvests, Ontaneda said.
“In terms of total production, we outstripped Brazil in
2013,” Ontaneda, who’s also chief executive officer of cocoa
exporter Eco-Kakao SA, said in an interview at his office in
Guayaquil. “In 2015, we estimate we’ll produce more than
250,000 metric tons and we’ll become the number-four producer of
cocoa in the world.”
Photographer: Diego Granja/Bloomberg
Santiago Peralta, founder of Pacari Chocolates, winner of the gold medal for dark... Read More
In Ecuador, where chocolate makers like Nestle SA (NESN), the
world’s biggest food company, operate, the establishment of new
farms with higher yields are boosting cocoa output, according to
a December report by the London-based International Cocoa
Organization. “Ideal weather conditions” should help increase
the 2014 harvest, the organization said in the report.
Gold Medal
Ecuador, the world’s top grower of flavored beans used in
fine chocolate, is benefiting from increasing demand in Asia,
Europe and Latin America for specialty sweets made with the
country’s higher-quality beans, said Santiago Peralta, the 42-year-old founder of Quito-based Pacari Chocolates, winner of the
gold medal for dark chocolate at the 2013 International
Chocolate Awards in London in October.
“In terms of chocolate, the world now respects Ecuador a
lot,” Peralta said in a Jan. 14 telephone interview from South
Korea where he was traveling to promote his products. “Sadly,
fine cocoa production is limited, so prices for Ecuador’s cocoa
are going to increase.”
Peralta, who compared the market for fine chocolate to
specialty wines, expects Pacari’s sales to grow by more than 30
percent in 2014 as consumers become pickier about flavor,
growers’ labor conditions and sustainable farming practices. The
price of the country’s beans may triple in coming years as
economic growth raises global demand for gourmet foods, he said.
Witches’ Broom
Cocoa jumped 21 percent in New York last year on rising
emerging-market demand and concerns dry weather in western
Africa will cut output. Cocoa for delivery in March fell 0.7
percent to 1,729 pounds a ton on NYSE Liffe at 1:39 p.m. in
London today. The contract for delivery in the same month fell
0.2 percent to $2,694 a ton on ICE Futures U.S. in New York.
Prices will fall to $2,469 a metric ton this year, according to
the median forecast of four analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.
Brazil’s cocoa output fell 15 percent last year to 194,382
tons from 228,881 tons a year earlier, according to Thomas
Hartmann, head of statistics at the commercial association of
Bahia state, where most of Brazil’s cocoa is grown.
An outbreak of the witches’ broom fungal disease in Brazil
reduced the nation’s cocoa production last year. Repeated
outbreaks of the disease since the 1980s displaced Brazil from
the position of top producer and have since discouraged
planting, while African countries took the lead.
Cocoa Disneyland
Bad weather also contributed to declines, Hartmann said.
Ecuador’s cocoa crop doesn’t compete with Brazil’s and increased
production in the Andean country shouldn’t affect the Brazilian
market, he said.
Brazil’s “prospects for 2014 are better, of course -- as
always -- depending on the weather, which so far has been
friendly,” Hartmann said in an e-mailed response to questions.
West Africa accounts for about 70 percent of global cocoa
output. The Ivory Coast is the world’s top producer, followed by
The improving outlook for Ecuador’s crop is also pushing
more local farmers to convert their coffee and banana fields
into cocoa, Anecacao’s Ontaneda said. Exporters are working with
the government to help promote cocoa similar to how Colombia
promoted the Juan Valdez brand of coffee, he said.
“Ecuador is the Disneyland of cocoa, everyone wants to
come here,” Ontaneda said. “There’s not a single bean that
goes unsold.”
To contact the reporter on this story:
Nathan Gill in Quito at
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
James Attwood at
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