National parks are closed, passports are no longer processed and war veterans are being turned away at their memorials …
All because the charlatans in Washington D.C. can’t agree to put the interests of our country above their own.
I keep hearing one question from folks here at the Total Wealth Symposium in Las Vegas:
“How is it possible to live in a country where our voices aren’t heard and the ruling elite sacrifice OUR bottom line for their own benefit?”
Think about it:
- Our national debt is increasing by $1,800,000,000 a day.
- The Fed’s money-printing addiction has been diluting the dollar for years.
- Near 0% interest rates are pummeling savers, while enriching the big banks.
And it’s easier than you think …
There is Hope for Americans … if You Know What You’re Doing
When Sovereign Society legal counsel and former U.S. Congressman, Bob Bauman, took the stage, you could hear a pin drop as the audience sat quiet in rapt attention.
Attendees, like most of us, are worried that the U.S. has crossed a point of no return.
That’s why learning about Bob’s Five Flags of Freedom is more important than ever:
Flag #1 – Get Residency or a Second Passport
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that U.S. citizens have the right to multiple citizenships.
The first step in obtaining dual citizenship is to check your family tree. Several nations offer bloodline-based citizenship – if you can prove one of your parents, or even grandparents was born overseas. (For the full list of participating countries – be sure to listen to Bob’s talk.)
Gaining residency is much easier than securing a second passport, and you should NEVER attempt to buy a second citizenship online.
Flag #2 – Set Up Your Offshore Business Base
One of the most important steps is to set up a foreign bank account, offshore international business corporation or offshore limited liability company. There are many benefits to doing business in overseas jurisdictions, including: affordable, abundant land; interest-free loans; tax holidays; and minimal regulation.
Flag #3 – Residence & Domicile
The next step is to find a country that does not impose taxes. Panama is a great example; it does not levy an income tax as long as your income is earned outside the republic.
Flag #4 – Asset Protection – Trusts and Foundations
There is still sufficient and much stronger bank secrecy in many countries than in the United States.
For a list of five countries that offer the greatest banking secrecy, privacy and asset management, as well as the best way to legally defer taxes offshore, be sure to download Bob’s PowerPoint presentation.
Flag #5 –Choose Your Haven Wisely
Finally, Bob recommends you get to know your haven well before making any permanent decisions. Make sure the climate, geography, culture and leisure activities excite you – and make you feel “at home.”
Everyone walked away from Bob’s speech with a Master Plan on how to get “off the grid” and protect their privacy and wealth from legal predators, identity thieves — even the U.S. government.
The Greatest Investment Trend of Our Time
As the U.S. continues its downward spiral, all the prosperity we once knew is happening overseas in developing countries.In the next five years, almost a billion souls will emerge from poverty around the world, eager for the lifestyle and products we take for granted.
The Sovereign Individual Executive Editor, Jeff Opdyke, sees huge opportunities for investors who look beyond America’s borders.
I’m talking about getting in on the ground floor with tomorrow’s McDonald’s, WalMart and Coca-Cola.
Jeff revealed two of his favorite plays to take advantage of with the rise of prosperity around the world.
Play #1: Big Profits From an Unlikely South African Firm …
The next Kraft Foods is emerging in Africa because of rising prosperity throughout the continent. Some 300 million Africans have already risen from poverty, and another 200 million are set to enter the middle class over the next decade.
And they all want one thing – better, more easily prepared food. And this South African canned-food firm is delivering the goods to this massive pool of demanding buyers.
This company has averaged 16% annualized returns since 2004, pays a 3% yield and it’s poised for even more rapid growth as it continues to expand its sales outside of South Africa.
Jeff believes this is a stock you buy, forget about and collect profits for years to come.
Play #2: South America’s Next Success Story …
It’s not Brazil, Argentina or Ecuador …
It’s Colombia, of all places. With the worst of the drug wars over and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) pleading for a truce, Columbia is rich with investment opportunities.
Jeff recommends one bank that pays a steady 3% yield and has significant growth potential as more prosperous Colombians open bank accounts and obtain more car and home loans.
This emerging bank is a play you don’t want to miss if you’re serious about growing your wealth in the coming years.
To get the ticker symbols that Jeff revealed to the attendees, click here.
Then, to top off the session, Knut Anderson of Swissmetal Inc. showed us the easiest and fastest way to potentially double your money with strategic metals like tungsten and tantalum.
These metals are crucial, basic necessities for most of today’s booming industries and emerging technologies such as smartphones, LCD monitors and computers.
Tell You What …
The buzz here in Las Vegas is contagious. There is a feeling of energy and purpose in the air. Everyone seems to be excited and focused.And we’re just getting started!
This afternoon, I’ll fill you in on our next pair of popular speakers: Harry Dent and Eric Roseman.
Until then …
Your Conference Insider,

Mike Crespo
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