August 29, 2013 by Wayne Allyn Root
Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Two things are happening right now under President Barack Obama that are unprecedented.
First, Obama is about to go to war in Syria and risk your sons’ and
daughters’ lives on behalf of our enemy, al-Qaida. Second, he is about
to risk starting World War III.
Are you on board?
And then there’s Obama’s “red line.” Obama’s defenders say, “Syria
passed the red line. We have no choice.” Really? So we now call
extremist Muslims killing other extremist Muslims a “red line” that
demands U.S. intervention. But extremist Muslims in Egypt burning more
than 70 churches to the ground and killing Christians is not a “red
line?” In one place (Syria), we want to go to war. In the other (Egypt),
we continue to send billions of dollars in foreign aid as a reward for
killing Christians.
Do you support Obama’s definition of a “red line?” I know I don’t.
So why the rush to war? Could it be because America’s unemployment
problem under Obama is unfixable? Ninety million working-age Americans
are not working. The labor force participation rate is the lowest for
men since 1947 (since measurement began). Obama has no way out.
The same holds true for our partners in the European Union like the
United Kingdom and France. Unemployment for the EU region is 12.1
percent, the worst in history. Almost 20 million Europeans are
unemployed. Youth unemployment in the EU is just below 25 percent.
How do you solve such a human psychological disaster? You go to war.
Voilà. Suddenly, young people with no job prospects
have a job — in the military. They have a check, a place to live,
something to do. They no longer have time to commit crimes or riot in
the streets.
America got out of the last Great Depression with the help of World
War II. How convenient that Obama lit the fuse for the Arab Spring,
helped to topple dictators friendly to U.S. interests and took the side
of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, it’s all coming home to roost.
We fomented instability, supported the radicals who hate America and
Israel, and now we’re feigning shock that the Mideast is in flames?
Remember that line from the police captain in the movie “Casablanca”:
“I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”
What a funny coincidence that a war would solve Obama’s worst problems all at once:
A) War would stir patriotism and force Americans to rally around the President.
B) Obamacare is a nightmare for Obama and his party. It’s so
unpopular even Democrats and unions are running away from it. Congress
has passed a law to exempt themselves. Obama himself is postponing major
aspects of Obamacare for fear it will lead to a GOP landslide in 2014.
Going to war is the perfect distraction, at the perfect time.
C) Obama couldn’t create a job if it hit him in the face. He can’t
spell J-O-B. War will create instant jobs. And, hey, if thousands of
young men die, that, too, will reduce the ranks of the unemployed for
years to come.
“Nonsense,” Obama’s supporters will protest. You know, those same
people that marched in the streets protesting our involvement in Iraq,
those same people who questioned CIA intelligence about “weapons of mass
distraction” yet who now readily accept the CIA’s claims about Syria’s
using chemical weapons, those same people who called Bush a murderer yet
now accept Obama’s bombing and killing citizens in Syria. Syria is the
new Iraq.
The key to life (and politics) is to choose your friends carefully.
In Egypt Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the same group
that supported the Nazis during World War II. Their leader, Muhammed
Morsi, said in speech last year: “The Koran is our constitution, the
Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah
is our goal.”
In Syria our new friends are worse than the Muslim Brotherhood (if
that’s possible). The rebels fighting the Syrian government are
al-Qaida. These are the murderous terrorists who are the sworn enemies
of America and Israel. This is who Obama is asking our sons and
daughters to die for? Not my sons, not my daughters.
How about yours?
Have we learned nothing from Iraq? I was gung ho about Iraq. I
thought it was a noble cause to set the Iraqi people free from a tyrant.
You know what I found out? We meant well, but it was a disaster. It was
none of our business. It was not worth the cost — in dollars or human
life. The Iraqi people we heroically risked and sacrificed for don’t
thank us; they hate us. Why would we want to do it again? Our Mideast
interventions cause more hatred, more terrorism, more death.
Let’s not forget that our intervention in Libya put weapons in the
hands of radical Muslims who, it now appears, used those weapons to
attack our own Libyan Embassy and murder our U.S. Ambassador and three
brave Navy SEALs. You know, that’s the tragedy that was covered up by
Obama and Hillary Clinton by blaming it on a movie. Who killed our brave
men in that Libyan embassy? Al-Qaida, the people Obama now wants to
partner with.
Have we not learned that our Mideast interventions always work out
badly? Now, we are going to do it again. Except this time, it’s far
worse. This time, Russia and China and Iran are on Syria’s side. This
time, it could lead to World War III. Have we lost our minds?
I have obvious questions.
First, was this Obama’s plan from the start? Foment anger and
instability in the Mideast, topple the friends of America and wait for
war? Is this his only way out to save the U.S. economy from collapse? Is
war the perfect distraction from the economic carnage caused by his
Second, would you send your son or daughter to die to support al-Qaida? I know I wouldn’t.
This is a new level of insanity — even for Obama. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. Same time, same place.
God bless America.
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El Conquistqdor Francisco de Orellana

The Conquistador who put the Amazaon baisn "on the map"....Francisco Orellana
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