NOTE FROM THIS BLOG: We read once a great quote....."Live in one country, bank in another, be a citizen in a third and do business in a fourth". That is the perfect setup for living as an expat and these four if one did not decide to live there........... should bank there.
As a U.S. citizen you are taxed on worldwide income. Doesn’t matter where you live… Paris… the North Pole… or the dark side of the moon – you must file and pay taxes.
But there’s no law against legally minimizing taxes on your hard-earned income – and protecting your nest-egg.
Let’s take a look at the best places to move your money, lighten your tax load and get off Washington’s radar…
The World’s Top Four Safe Havens
Throughout the conference we heard from the world’s foremost experts on heading offshore… including The Sovereign Individual Editor Jeff Opdyke, Former U.S. Congressman Bob Bauman, Mark Nestmann, Marc-Andre Sola, Eric Roseman and Michael Chatzky…
Here’s a list of four of their top recommendations:
The World’s Oldest Tax Haven, it’s perfect for anyone looking to…
• Open a high dollar bank/investment account
• Create a trust or family foundation
• Stash your gold
Switzerland’s had some bad press recently… but our experts say it’s still one of the best places to protect your wealth. This haven may be worth a look if you’d like to…
• Establish a personal residence and are able to afford their annual tax
• Open a bank/investment account
• Purchase annuities or life insurance
Some banks in Switzerland no longer want to do business with American clients… but luckily we had Swiss banking expert Rob Vrijhof on hand to tell us exactly where to go and what to do.
Panama-based attorney Rainelda Mata-Kelly revealed what you’ll find in this “close to home” safe haven…
• Rock solid asset protection laws that date to the 1920s… with recent updates based on Delaware Corporate Law
• A generous Pensionado Program that provides discounts on restaurants, doctor’s visits and even entertainment for qualified retirees
• The ability to acquire immediate residence status (in 90 days) under several programs leading to citizenship
Jeff Opdyke says, “Uruguay is where I’d move with my family if the situation in the U.S. were to ever deteriorate dramatically.” It’s a beautiful safe haven worth visiting…
• It’s the French Riviera of South America – good food, great wines and a booming international property market
• Top notch health care services at an affordable price
• Bank accounts that pay up to 700% more than U.S. banks… and give you access to foreign currency and investments… Plus some of the world’s strictest banking privacy laws
Diana Gordon
The Sovereign Investor
I have always looked upon my experiences here in Ecuador as nothing short of an adventure.....a "re-conquest". You will find that this Blog not only offers information on how to live, invest or simply visit Ecuador (rated the number one retirement heaven by International Living magazine for 2011) but also informative information and articles on how to survive in this fast changing and volatile World we live in. Your comments are welcome!
El Conquistqdor Francisco de Orellana

The Conquistador who put the Amazaon baisn "on the map"....Francisco Orellana
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